One of our readers requested to make a list of decent Linux photo management software, something that could replace the now defunct Picasa on Linux. But occasionally, there are only a few options for a task. Logically I understand that being such a minority module there is no developer interested in carrying it out, but if not, let them know that there are users who do use the CAPTURE view.When it comes to Linux applications, there are so many choices and alternatives. I know of users who complain about the usefulness and functioning of the module but the truth is, I started testing it in version 0.6rc and I have almost never had problems with the cameras and darktable. I know that the unix philosophy is an application for each job (entangle-capture, digikam-catalog, rpd-download) but being in darktable from capture and catalog to final editing makes the workflow much faster and more comfortable, At least in my case.

I know that some people may find it useless, but for those of us who work all day on photo sessions and who have downtime in the session itself due to issues related to changes in lighting, in atrezzo changes, at the moment in which the home economist works, or for screen testing various adjustments with the client, this option allows you to get very close to the final edited shot. It’s an option that for those of us who work on set usually allows us to edit certain aspects of the photography throughout a session so that progress is already being made. If not, is there a possibility that the developers create an addition in the properties module where you can select between shooting with all the default values or applying those of the previous shot? In the CAPTURE view, is there the possibility of automatically applying the values of the previous one to a newly captured photograph if these were modified in the DARKROOM view? Something similar to performing the action Ctl+C Ctrl+V but automatically, or with a script.