mkv without issue, but if I try to actually play the file Avidemux crashes with the error message "ExceptionFilter. mkv in Avidemux, I can navigate forward-backward in the video, and I can save a section of the. Unfortunately, this new form of audio causes Avidemux to crash, but only if I try to play the. Very recently I started using Pazera Free Audio Extractor to downmix the audios, as I find it much simpler for batch processing.

Also, over these years I've frequently used updated Avidemux to cut clips from these encodes without issue. m4a audio thanks again to all here who've provided so much guidance.

mkv files with 10-bit x264 video and Nero. For years I've happily used updated MeGUI on my Windows 7 64 bit laptop to shrivel my DVDs and Blu-rays to. Hello, and thanks in advance for any help.